Running On Empty | Teen Ink

Running On Empty

January 14, 2014
By Leah2408 SILVER, Muskegon, Michigan
Leah2408 SILVER, Muskegon, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My body is running on caffeine and Adderall.
Hands shaking cold, filled with weakness
My head is trying to tell me a message
Yet I lack the time and it remains unread.
Each dragging day of work is never enough for you
Why are my grades not good enough for you to smile?
Break time is not a sign of giving up.
I cannot rest until I am finished.
I started to see no point anymore
These years of trying are wearing me down
When one piece is right, There are two more wrong.
I want you to feel the strength draining out of me
Look in the mirror and see these bags under my eyes
See how they turn deeper and darker every day
I’m tired of searching for a goal unreachable
Happiness seems to be the hardest concept to find
When my cup is dry and my pill bottle is hollow
I will travel my yellow brick road that I desire.

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