My Mask | Teen Ink

My Mask

January 27, 2014
By Alora_Power SILVER, Cleburne, Texas
Alora_Power SILVER, Cleburne, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Are you trying to tell me coconuts migrate?" -Monty Python and the Holy Grail

I grow tired every morning that I wake.
Having to always strain and fake,
The smile that I always wear.

It always is, always was,
How can I show a true smile, if it was never there?

So, I sought to but a mask.
Yes, that sort of task,
So I wouldn’t have to strain a smile I have to wear.

I looked and looked,
It seemed like forever, and my brain was cooked.
Yet I couldn’t find anything anywhere.

Until one day, after searching for so long
A man came along
In his eyes was a glare, and he called to me, “You there!”

I was surprised but his shout
So I looked about
To see if others were there.

No just me, alone it seems
As he beckoned me with gleams,
His eyes no longer held a glare.

Only he now he had a cart.
Like one you’d see at a mart.
All I could do was walk over and stare.

Masks all around,
Some on the shelf, some hanging close to the ground.
He knew he had gotten my attention, and knew good and well, that when a girl with no smile sees a mask.
All she’ll want to do is put it on,
Always having it to wear.

Even if it was only to give her tired face a rest,
All that smiling was such a pest.

I take off the mask every now and then,
To try and make myself grin,
But, it’s always okay to fail every now and again.

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