With Love, To Ginsberg's America | Teen Ink

With Love, To Ginsberg's America

January 27, 2014
By BenHorrobin PLATINUM, Courtice, Other
BenHorrobin PLATINUM, Courtice, Other
24 articles 0 photos 6 comments

America now a days it’s much better to be a white skinned communist then a brown skinned anything.

America don’t bomb Syria.

America why did you force the West Memphis three to grow up only to release them back into a world that wonders why they aren’t still children?

America this is getting quite serious.

We are a nation of 347 million infants out for our own good.

America is that what freedom is?

Making a profit off destroying the self-esteem of those too coddled and stupid to know better?

America when did entertainment become an allegory for education?

When did slits in skin become the solution for sadness?

America you are irrelevant, in your Walmart’s I can buy fifty shades of grey and yet you ban John Green.

America bring back Trayvon Martin

Oh America, poor America, you buried DFW and Kerouac alike and eventually you will bury me, your neighbour to the north. Yet in your ignorance America, I could almost love you still.

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