My Misery | Teen Ink

My Misery

February 8, 2014
By JosephB BRONZE, Shreveport, Louisiana
JosephB BRONZE, Shreveport, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am shamed
Misunderstood by my peers
I feel my eyes sting from the liquid guilt falling from my eyes
The tear’s wet tail stains my skin
Stains it with a bleak death
Corrupting the skin, molesting the cells
It feels harder to breathe, I can’t
My screams take me over
Oxygen is just in my fearful moan’s way
And though everyone is around
No one can really see what is going on
Deaf to this misery within me
My skin just peels off, I am faking the lies of happiness
But I am too scared to cry
I’ve zipped my mouth shut as I suffocate from my constant screams
For if I show my true feelings, then I fear I’ll be labeled
Labeled like a fresh bottle of liquid misery
Labeled “attention w****” then left out to grieve
But now, as I bottle it all up I can just feel it stabbing away at my peeling skin
Teething off my veins, bleeding me internally
I can just see the darkness squirm from between my fingerprint’s ridges
The misery is too filling, I’m practically sweating materialized cries
I feel it breaking through my ribcage
The ink black monster stretching my skin, screaming at me
Its crying, “Why, Why, Why” as it scratches at my shedding skin
But why should I care about how I feel if I will inevitably die
But then why don’t I want to die, if death is the ultimate escape
Why do I want to live until everyone else dies..
Maybe so I can shout my troubles, my problems, my fears and lies
Shout it out into the void of life, without any persecution…

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