The Thin Red Line | Teen Ink

The Thin Red Line

February 21, 2014
By cwstanbury SILVER, Auburn, Alabama
cwstanbury SILVER, Auburn, Alabama
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

She stood on her own
On a rooftop so high
And she stood without fear
Though she had never been so close
To the edge

The wind whipped her hair
And tore at her clothes
And whispered in her ears
And i saw the sky above her
And the streets below
And the stars in her eyes

I saw this girl
This girl who shone and sparkled
I saw her with a light so pure
A light that shinned from the heavens

I saw her in ways she had never seen for herself
I saw the battles that she faced
The ones not another knew about

I saw her pain
Her suffering
Her anger
Her hate

And i loved her anyway
I loved her for her beauty
And her bravery
And her how wholeheartedly she loved

I knew of her struggles
Of the red line she now toed
Of the risk she was taking
Of the promises she was breaking
And i loved her for it

I saw her loneliness
And my heart ached for her
I saw her wasted days spent by the phone
And her hushed tears in an infernal struggle
I saw her wounded heart
Her broken heart
And the walls so tall that surrounded it

But as she stood
On that thin red line
She stood without her fear
And death trembled at her feet
For she stood with no trepidation
Of what was to come

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