Belonged | Teen Ink


March 14, 2014
By anija BRONZE, American Canyon, California
anija BRONZE, American Canyon, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Girls, embrace your flaws. Don't compare or compete with others. What makes you different, makes you beautiful. Don't let the crowd's standards define you. You're beautiful in your way.


Never wanted them to see me down
But seems like my mind got turned up side down
They got me thinking I was nothing
And I soon believed
Because every bad thing seemed to happen to me
Friends couldn't stay and family let go
I was by myself and on my own
I was depressed and sad
So I cut my arm
The blood trickled down more and more
The cuts keep coming and my smile was wide
The pain was there but... gone at the same time
My body was my canvas
And I felt like I belonged
An artist and a girl trying to find her way
Searching through people
Trying to get by
So scared to cry
Wanting to run but had no where to hide
I lost my way and lost my hope
All I knew how to do now was mope around
Trying to fake a smile
I never wanted to think about weighing about 200 pounds

The author's comments:
Don't let depression get the best of you.

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