Two Tone Poetry | Teen Ink

Two Tone Poetry

March 31, 2014
By drew713 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
drew713 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Super red is my caffeinated color.

Ridiculous, edgy, and dynamic!

I’m like a sphere of fire,

bouncing around and impacting people with my flames.

My concern for what others think of me is snuffed out.

The world seems perfect;

it’s as if I’m blinded to darkness,

but soon the caffeine wears off.

Feeble blue is my gray color.

Bored, lonely, unpleasant, and enclosed!

I’m like a cube of water,

filling up with lies and worry into me like rapids.

My concern for opinions is strong.

This world becomes dark with clouds;

my eyes open to this strange reality.

I want to close them quick.

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