Hairs | Teen Ink


April 14, 2014
By rhiannonlynnnnn GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
rhiannonlynnnnn GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Madison’s hair is a black is a black waterfall of satin, soft to the touch with waves like the lake.

Noah’s hair is light and flippy. It is independent, it stands up in the back like an objection at a wedding.

Ian’s hair is thick, and coarse like a woven blanket. Fire red, untamed, voluminous, and wild.

But Gabe’s hair, Gabe’s hair is long and straight as a pin. He has highlights and lowlights in all colors, his soft tresses billow over his shoulders like smoke from an old man’s pipe. Its smell is sweet, but not feminine. His his is my favorite. It is free of tangles and it falls through my fingers like dry sand on the beach.

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