The Wolf | Teen Ink

The Wolf

April 11, 2014
By Hannah Mikesell BRONZE, Huson, Montana
Hannah Mikesell BRONZE, Huson, Montana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Through the green and leafy forests he ran,
Over windswept hills,
But he was never touched by man.

Over bridges and past many a caravan,
Waiting to go west,
Through the green and leafy forests he ran.

The one who did not fear him, was an Indian,
With long black hair and clothes of buckskin,
But he was never touched by man.

He often thought of this woman,
And how she wanted to be his friend, but he left,
Through the green and leafy forest he ran.

Until he came to the wide, deep ocean,
With sandy beaches and rain forests green;
But he was never touched by man.

And in this land, filled with many a human,
He settled down, far away from them all,
Through the green and leafy forests he ran,
But he was never touched by man.

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