This Is Where | Teen Ink

This Is Where

April 28, 2014
By MilaBoano BRONZE, Bay Harbor Islands, Florida
MilaBoano BRONZE, Bay Harbor Islands, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I lay flat on my back, still as a rock;
Offering my half-bare body to the sun Gods
My eyes closed without a care or a thought
Taking in everything the world is offering to my static body

As if I were watching an IMAX movie of the sun
Everything is intensified:
The warm sand enveloping my body, creating waves of it’s own
The soothing sounds of the sea and it’s gulls
The blinding film beneath my eyelids
that taints everything of the outside world with an orange glow like a heat map

Feeling the rays of the sun paint my skin
From a pasty peach to an enraged red that will fade to a Miami tan
I do nothing to stop it
The burn feels friendly, it’s comforting, it’s home

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