Peck Peck Peck | Teen Ink

Peck Peck Peck

April 24, 2014
By pen_N_paper BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
pen_N_paper BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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creativity is just intelligence having fun.

Break it up and feed it to the birds.
Watch them peck, peck, peck it off.
And every little piece I break off,
Something inside me is lost.
One of them so crude,
And feathers so dashing,
Took the first piece.
And with him nearly all of it.
Another piece is lost.
Something aches inside.
He leaves in a cascade of feathers.
Not a thank you.
Nor a reply.
No settle goodbye.
Nor reason.
He takes with him the first
Piece leaving barely
Any crumbs for the others,
And they all just
Into the skin and
Back down under.

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