May 3, 2014
By TKturnup BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
TKturnup BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday".

No one likes a bragger
I've heard it all before
But how can I resist
When I have celebrities knocking at my door?

Before you continue
Just know that you are just not up to par
To compete with this...
Utterly awesome superstar

I'm the best of the best
My accomplishments go as far as you can see
Einstein who?
He has nothing on me!

I'm the brightest of the bunch
My mind is on fire
Let me give you some proof
Before you call me a liar

Straight A's for days
Certainly not a faker
Can you name a 13 year old
Who's written a ten-page paper?

Arguments are pointless
Duh! I'm always right
But they help remind commoners
That I put up quite the fight

Now,enough about my genius
That's only one of the countless qualities I possess
Let me now tell you
What also makes me the best

You know that I'm the cherry at the top
The chicken pot pie
I'm surely the sweet icing
That brings joy to your lives

The lion ruling his kingdom
Is surely what I am
Too many admirers
To even have a number one fan

There's news everywhere I go
I draw quite a mass
My fame is here to stay
And my reign shall forever last!

I walk with a swagger
That's pretty hard to beat
Music starts playing
As I parade down the street

The sky is where I start
For you it's the limit
It's hard to believe
That I get more popular by the minute

You cannot reach my pedestal
As you aim for puny stars
I already have a spot reserved on the moon
That has a great view of mars

Consider every glance I send you
A gift from above
And consider yourself blessed
If I show you even the tiniest bit of love

Whew! All of that boasting
And there is still more to say
If I were to list everything that made me great
It would take most of May!

I am not done yet
But now I shall conclude
Remember my intentions were to be frank
And not at all rude

My words will be written in history books
And my cure for cancer praised!
From the throne where I bask in my glory
I see many faces that are simply amazed

The author's comments:
This was an 8th grade literature assignment. It is a brag poem. Enjoy!

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