I'm Ready to come home | Teen Ink

I'm Ready to come home

July 10, 2014
By musicgeek1 SILVER, Boise, Idaho
musicgeek1 SILVER, Boise, Idaho
7 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is a dance, love is the music." ~unknown

Around me, all I see is white. The burning smell rises to my nose. The grunts and grones are all familiar. I'm used to it.

As death and fear curl in the air, I sit in perfect peace. Nothing can touch me. All the memories of fear are gone.

Because you have held my hand,
Through the fire,
Through the rubble.

And I finally understand that, no matter what I do, you will always love me

I'm ready to come home.

The author's comments:
I wrote this shortly after I read a story about a girl, diagnosed with terminal cancer, who found peace. I just wanted to write and inspire others to publish stories and spread history.

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