Where I am from | Teen Ink

Where I am from

September 17, 2014
By Jeremy24 GOLD, Peewaukee, Wisconsin
Jeremy24 GOLD, Peewaukee, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from work, to finishing the job.
I am from the struggle of trying to read and write.
I am from spending infinite hours doing home work that does not make sense to me.
I am from striving to always do better in what I am asked to accomplish because I know it will help me.
I am from the morning digging in the dirt to making the grass grow. 
I am from the night, trying to finish doing the dishes or the laundry.
I am from the sweat, that runs down my face and goes into my eyes making it so I can not see.
I am from the wind that blows hard against my face, as I am running faster and faster.

I was from a waldorf school that no one had heard of 
I was from having only 13 kids in my class to now having over 600 kids in my class.
I was from black and white tiles on the piano, as my fingers move up and down the keys.
I was from fishing in the summer mornings with my grandpa and dad to now going out ounces.

I will still be the same person with brown hair and blue eyes that I was before.
I will still be the one that does hard work, and gets the job done.
I will still be the runner, faster and faster, pressing strong against the wind and knowing the happiness of playing football and track.
I will still be the one wiping the sweat before it drains into my eyes, so that I am able to see.

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