Nor·mal·i·ty | Teen Ink


September 25, 2014
By KatieSS BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
KatieSS BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Show me normality.
Amidst chaos and madness,

Amass the truth and show me,
Where true reality is defined.

We Homo sapiens are the only species,
Where the normal are considered insane,
By the insane who pretend to be normal.

Socially sedated,
We cover ourselves,
With fake expressions of,
Plastic emotions and painted on smiles.

Yet inside we made of the same debris.
The same chaos and pain,
Still we force ourselves into conformity.
In this box we live,
A blissful ignorance happily accepted.
Until we wither away,
Eaten alive by the lies we feed ourselves.

Our masks fall,
Dead eyes stare into the world,
Seeing it for its true worth,
A pile of lies and deceits,
That only grow bigger,
And the only escape is death.

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