The Identity | Teen Ink

The Identity

October 8, 2014
By Bexasaur BRONZE, Glen Cove, New York
Bexasaur BRONZE, Glen Cove, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Who are you, darling?
Can you tell me who you are?
No I don’t mean your name
nor age
or even where you are right now

Where are you going, darling?
What roads will you take?
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
or are you trapped in shades
each one a darker grey

You are not what she called you
as she stormed out of the house
and when your grades came in the mail
you are not what your parents called you
so darling, please don’t pout

You are who you are
at 3am, on a warm summer’s eve
and you are who you are
when you save your friend
from his own self, time and time again

Darling its okay
to not know who you are
or who you’re not
but to me, darling
you are beautiful

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