River of Truth | Teen Ink

River of Truth

October 12, 2014
By Nandini Seetharaman GOLD, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
Nandini Seetharaman GOLD, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

lies are the cracks in the ice on the river
fragile and so very easy to fall through into the freezing darkness.


winter is darkness
seeping over the world
our blood freezes
the pure white is such an innocent lie.


walking on thin ice
dancing on unlimited darkness
the line between happiness blurring
all the more.


but your hand reaches out to me
it’s hard to run from my own darkness
but i can do it if it’s you.


this winter of lies will end.


apologies are brooks shimmering in the moonlight
reflecting the stars and crying tears of repentance.


spring is new beginnings
enriching the soil
our fingers entwine
the fresh green is such a truth.


ice melts
washed away by the river
lies break
and are cleansed by the
ever flowing truth of the world.


these are the melted lies
they are the raw beauty of the world
flowing trust and liquid forgiveness.


let the lies melt in the night
so the day may come once more


so the river of truth may run once more.

The author's comments:

Lies are hard to run from.

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