Wallflower | Teen Ink


October 20, 2014
By speedsk8r GOLD, South Jordan, Utah
speedsk8r GOLD, South Jordan, Utah
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only time can heal your broken heart. Just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs.<br /> -Miss Piggy

No one cares about the wallflower.
No one cares about the nobody.
I don't want drama,
I just want attention.

No one notices the wallflower.
No one elects the wallflower.
No one elects the nobody.
What makes me more qualified
Then anybody else?

No one picks the wallflower.
No one sees the wallflower.
No one sees the nobody.
I'm anyways just another
person in the crowd.

No one bows to the wallflower.
No one hears the wallflower.
No one hears the nobody.
Even if I try to speak out
My voice always trembles.

No one listens to the wallflower.
I wallow in fear of what people will
Think, say, and do.
Whenever I stand out
I feel out of place.

I care so much about you,
Why does no one care about me?
No one loves the wallflower.
No one loves the nobody.
I live off of loneliness,
And keep to myself.

No one misses the wallflower.
And yet everyone looks over the wallflower

The author's comments:

I think that everyone has felt like a wallflower. Someone that doesn't really fit in and yet never stands out. I have a couple of very popular friends, but I always feel like I'm living in their shadow. This poem is just a reflection of feelings I have.

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