One Day in a Life of a Cupcake | Teen Ink

One Day in a Life of a Cupcake

October 21, 2014
By Brooke Lee GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
Brooke Lee GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They put me in the oven to bake.
Me a deprived and miserable cake.
Feeling the heat I started to bubble.
Watching the others I knew I was in trouble
They opened the door and I started my life.
Frosting me with a silver knife.
Decorating me with candy jewels.
The rest of my batch looked like fools.
Lifting me up, she took off my wrapper.
Feeling the breeze, I wanted to slap her.
Opening her mouth with shiny teeth inside.
This was the day this cupcake had died

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