The Letter | Teen Ink

The Letter

October 23, 2014
By writer99 GOLD, Rochester Hills, Michigan
writer99 GOLD, Rochester Hills, Michigan
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Go and open the door.

A breeze from the past

will send a shiver down your spine.


Go and open the door.

Feel the warmth,

the intimacy,

the sadness

of your past.


Go and open the door, 

to have your one and only chance

of making your past

the present.


Go and open the door,

and take the piece of you

that you wouldn't dare leave

once you finally part from the room for good.


Go and open the door.

Let the words on the paper

control the beat of your heart,

each memory pumping blood through your body,

creating the rise and the fall of the chest,

the inhale and the exhale

of the memories

giving you life.


Go and open the door.

Let the past fill you up,

but only enough so that tomorrow 

will give you the strength

to finally close the door. 

The author's comments:

Inspired by Miroslav Holub's poem "The Door" about opening a door to your past and being able to take only one object out. 

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