3,2,1 | Teen Ink


October 29, 2014
By madisongraffin BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
madisongraffin BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

everywhere you look
like your mind paused in that image
piles of orange leaves as you stare off into the distance
heads pop out of the leaves
the next moment
their gone
the leaves piles are snow piles
the city lights glisten in the night sky
almost like the Christmas tree thats about to be lit
smiles, laughs, cheers fill the air
it sounds like a crime scene with the screams
suddenly it is a crime scene
red white blue lights reflecting off the windows of buildings
on the slick icy road lays bodies
a car smashed
police block off the roads
sirens slowly die off in the distance
suddenly they're gone

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