Infinity | Teen Ink


November 22, 2014
By NDless BRONZE, Lockport, New York
NDless BRONZE, Lockport, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Normal is quite boring"

The infinite possibilities for finite conclusions
Has stricken me with the fearful realization
That anything and everything can end.
Yet the nigh closings are nowhere near
Worth my two cents
Rather ranging in the millions
For if I can crack those final thoughts
And create the continuation
I may be able to sleep at night.
Yet men have not been able to stare down the barrel of a loaded gun
And laugh when the trigger was pulled
Knowing that all that he knows
Is no more.
I take pride in the reality around me.
I take in the beauty of all the impossibilities that have formed this existence.
I take in the fear in knowing I will die before seeing this world conclude.
The end is much greater of a thing to watch than the beginning.
Closure of all that once
Becoming what it started off as,
Let me go down with my Titanic
And watch as I make history
As being that crazy madman
Who cheers and giggles with glee
As god’s revolver goes off with a bang
Closing all I know like a book
And burn it so no one will ever know
This forbidden story I took part in

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