We Are Human | Teen Ink

We Are Human

December 4, 2014
By averyR. SILVER, Austin, Texas
averyR. SILVER, Austin, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Without him I would be nothing.
Without him I would shatter,
I would fall on the floor and cry
Just like you would.

There are so many kinds of love.
There are thousands of words,
And you call us the worst ones
We don’t push you down.

Please stop your hurting.
Please stop your bashing, name-calling,
Your slurs, your shouting
Why won’t you, can’t you stop?

Believe me when I say I love him.
Believe me when I say we’re not friends,
We’re not friends, we’re so much more
We are lovers.

Me and my boyfriend love each other.
Are we so different,
From you and your girlfriend
Tell me, are we?

We’re not.
We’re doing nothing wrong
We are in love
We are human.

The author's comments:

We're doing a project in English class right now about civil rights. I chose gay rights and decided to write this poem about a guy who just wants to be understood. 

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