Empty | Teen Ink


January 8, 2015
By bunnybri7 GOLD, Chesterfield, Virginia
bunnybri7 GOLD, Chesterfield, Virginia
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't about the amount of breaths you take. It's about the moments that take your breath away.

My heart is empty
Same as my glass
My head is full
Feel like I just got run over by a bull
A mask covers my face to shield the world from pain
As the thoughts in my head drive me insane
My tears are the rain that begins to flood
Depression runs through my veins, my blood
I see you staring back at me in the mirror
And I don't remember you're not here until I look a little harder
The image of my longing begins to fade
And in the river of my tears I begin to wade
You were stolen from this earth
Taken too soon after birth
I miss you, my loved one
It's because of you that from my life of suffering I try to run
You see, living without you is a struggle
A constant battle
I run and try to reach you
But to be with you would be an issue
See the issue is that I have loved ones here
And I will be with you again, not soon enough my dear
As I continue
I cannot help but think of you
And the day that we will be united
Makes life something that by me is hated
I love you more than anything
For you were my everything

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