When the World Says | Teen Ink

When the World Says

January 8, 2015
By bunnybri7 GOLD, Chesterfield, Virginia
bunnybri7 GOLD, Chesterfield, Virginia
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't about the amount of breaths you take. It's about the moments that take your breath away.

When you have no friends,
Be your own best friend.

When you have no money,
Work for it.

When you need an answer,
Don't ask. Find it yourself.

When you're all alone,
Don't feel lonely.

When you're on you're own,
Be independent.

When you're bored,
Go out and live life to the fullest.

When the world says you're ugly,
Let you're inner beauty shine.

When the world says you can't,
Show them you can.

When the world beats you down,
Stand up and prove them wrong.

When you feel like you can't,
Think again. You can.

The author's comments:

This is meant to be an inspirtational piece. I want people to know that despite what the world says them, they can prove the world wrong. All it takes is a little bit of courage.

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