Progress 'til You Rest | Teen Ink

Progress 'til You Rest

January 20, 2015
By FM822 BRONZE, Ipswich, South Dakota
FM822 BRONZE, Ipswich, South Dakota
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"It's always better to burn out than to fade away."

I guess it's rebirth at a young age,

When times get ruff and you have to stay,

Like a dog, head between his legs,

Doesn't know what to do because he's feeling so ashamed,

Tell me who's the man I should blame?

And should I grab a pistol and aim?

At his temple, an attempt to,

Take anything that he didn't give you,

Because we were flying as a family, first class, so damaging,

These acts they passed so erratically,

And now I'm just sitting her frantically,

Passing each minute, know it's a given to be living a life,

With every moment knowing you're on it from sundown to shine,

Ready to rise every morning, my cousin just died, no mourning,

Because the rough gets rough, I know it's tough,

Sometimes when the door isn't even open,

From every perspective see I'm respected by my addresses,

Because every mistake that I take I've turned into a lesson,

No I am not stressing (NO I AM NOT STRESSING),

They're always so impressed when, I just do me and not be less then, what they expect and hop off the end of that bandwagon,

See I'm doing me at least that's half amazing,

Just let me finish what I'm trying to say, before I diminish,

Just let me be me in a different way...

The author's comments:

This piece includes many personal problems, such as the internal struggle that many teenagers face when trying to find themselves. This is extremely rough, due to influences from society.

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