We Need Progression | Teen Ink

We Need Progression

January 20, 2015
By FM822 BRONZE, Ipswich, South Dakota
FM822 BRONZE, Ipswich, South Dakota
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"It's always better to burn out than to fade away."

I just wish we saw the color of our skin doesn't mean we have to sin,

To try and win or make a statement,

Past is so abrasive, just polish it off,

And then they wonder how I'm diong me just praying to god,

I was so odd in my adolescence, not even,

And even if I make it even, demons, aren't leaving,

Because you can take what's mine and I can take what's yours,

But then we get confused with having to go to war,

What does it mean to live, does it mean to die?

What does it mean to give, does it mean a sacrifice?

I swear our morals have changed from past into the present,

We want these gifts or presents, just to know that there's a presence...

Somebody tell me what's wrong with this country?

We have enough food but still everybody's hungry,

Fighting for that money, well see it's funny,

Because money is our lives, almost like, we are nothing...

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