Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 16, 2015
By Cassandra.K. GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Cassandra.K. GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am berry-stained lips.
Prickly straw clinging to my knees, hushed giggles and full bellies.
I am from barefoot backyard adventures and sand-castle creations.
“Get cleaned up, or you can’t come in.”

I am the bump in the dirt road.
Felt while laying in the bed of dad’s truck, watching trees blur together.
I am from the glimmering fire, black sky
and secrets that no soul will ever hear.

I am the tears saltier than the ocean.
That gravity won as final goodbyes were spoken.
I am from science experiments and forbidden sleepovers.
Identical smiles, sisters forever.

I am the unforgotten words of mom’s past
and the woman that will never spoil me.
I am from water-logged hands and sun-kissed skin.
Matching suits and purple inflatables.

I am the fallen oak, holding secrets of the world.
Green moss and termite trails.
I am from collapsed forts and pillow fights.
Loud chuckles and bloody teeth.

I am hours of box lifting and leaf raking
for the currency of a smile.  
I am from a family stronger than elmer's glue.
Holding life together like the binding of a book.

This is who I am.
This is where I’m from.

The author's comments:

This is who I am, This is where I am from

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