Can Anyone Hear Me? | Teen Ink

Can Anyone Hear Me?

March 8, 2015
By Megan-DalSanto BRONZE, Geneva, Illinois
Megan-DalSanto BRONZE, Geneva, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Write your first draft with your heart and rewrite it with your mind"

Riding a bike or walking to school is normal.
Smokestacks are only beginning to pollute the air.
No one really talks about global warming.
Earth has a cold.

Cars start using a lot of gasoline.
An oil spill here or there is no big deal.
Things are getting worse.
Earth has a cough.

We are trying to ignore it.
Trees are being cut down.
Animals are losing their homes.
Earth has a fever.

Landfills are filling up.
Does no one see what is happening?
We need to change our ways.
Earth has cancer.

Glaciers are melting.
Rivers and oceans are full of trash.
We may be too late to take it back.
Earth is going to die.

The author's comments:

Global warming and the way we are destroying our Earth is something I feel strongly about and I think needs to be recognized more. Hopefully this short poem stirs a few feelings like the ones I had while writing it. 

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