Never satisfied | Teen Ink

Never satisfied

March 17, 2015
By Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
35 articles 0 photos 0 comments

l float on air
never leaving the ground
l’m not here
still taking up space
my voice is lost in the sea of
yet no words leave my mouth
l drink and drink
my thirst is never quenched
l eat
my stomach never full
the voices around me are screaming
in an empty room
l sit alone
with everyone else
l don’t understand
the concept l made
l created a sound
no one can make
l sit in a sea of people
my head pounds
to my heart's rhythm
my heart is in line with my foot
or is my foot in line with my heart
l see
with my eyes closed
l hear ringing
in nothing
am l alone?
What is happening to me?

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