The best mouse | Teen Ink

The best mouse

March 19, 2015
By Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
35 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes l wonder
where l would be now
if l had only listened
to that small
little mouse
for he told me a lot
that l needed to learn
but l threw it away
l was not concerned
But as l recall
he told me so well
that no one’s the best
none out of them all
l went through my days
ignoring this truth
wasting my days
as an ignorant youth
yet not long ago
l met a frail mouse
who told me, my kids
and even my spouse
the truth’s he once told
to a small boy
so much like myself
but the mouse was old
and frail, not much of
a life he had left
so l wept and cried
and he came and told
“never worry, for you know
that no one’s the best
none out of them all”
then l stooped real low
and picked up that mouse
he layed on my palm
his eyes gently closed
l whispered to him
as he took his last breath
and much sadder l grew
“never worry, for you know
that no one’s the best
none except you”

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