Who Am I? | Teen Ink

Who Am I?

March 20, 2015
By Natasha_Dugger GOLD, Siren, Wisconsin
Natasha_Dugger GOLD, Siren, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The best way to spread christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear." -Buddy The Elf

One question
blazes till the end of time itself
with no conceivable approach to answer it.
The one thing
that stands between Life and death.
Love and Hate
Strength and weakness.
It Burns darker than Obsidian
and brighter than daylight.
Higher than Heaven
Lower than Hell.
Strong as a God
and Fragile as a rose.
Anticipated as a rich man
Pessimistic as a prisoner.
A scent you can’t smell
a sound you can’t hear
a feeling you can’t feel.
Bewitching as a vulture
revolting as a Blue Bird.
Contaminated as the Earth
Flawless as a diamond.
Pure as a lamb
Tainted as a crow.
The only question that stands in midair
and lies in the depths of the universe.
The only thing that frightens every creature in existence
and no way to possibly escape the beautiful horrors
that lie within ourselves.
The unanswerable question
the most perfect imperfection.
The only thing
keeping us from the only thing that we trust
That one question
the only thing that divides mind, body, and soul.
The question that cries out till the end of our days…

Who am I?

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