Mischievous Nostalgia | Teen Ink

Mischievous Nostalgia

March 29, 2015
By marblesg BRONZE, Racine, Wisconsin
marblesg BRONZE, Racine, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's always a beautiful fight. Maybe you just have to live for the small things, like being called pretty or someone picking up the pen you dropped or laughing so hard that your stomach hurts. Maybe that’s all that really matters at the end of the day

The scent of something sweet almost brings the whiff of nostalgia
Minds wander periodically fluttering from flower to flower of thought
I concentrate the idea of pondering my wistful affection
They are mischievous mental impressions that I sometimes fought
Yet, one thing reoccurs just as the seasons
Yet, one thing reoccurs for many reasons

The scent of something familiar very nearly brings back a similar nostalgia
My mind periodically wanders over the architecture the sun once brought to your face
I concentrate on the shadows expressing a race,
Of emotion.
And the motion of passersby awake my dreams
And the motion of passersby tug at my seams

The scent of you hold comes back through nostalgic moments which rip
My mind and tears at my feeble epiphanies of you
I concentrate on the last words that dripped from your mouth like ice cream in the sun
In my head I think you said "Don't give up hope" and then I hope you miss me too
Revelations of the past haunt my eyes with a desire of expectation
Revelations of you are mischievous nostalgic declaration.

The author's comments:

A lost first love is the worst type of love.

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