Volvo | Teen Ink


April 8, 2015
By zoeharris PLATINUM, San Francisco, California
zoeharris PLATINUM, San Francisco, California
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Volvo I look and find you each time I squinty eyed try to look for you,
A single missing shoe wedged artfully between two of your mats
Two weeks too late to be frustrated and for that shoe I am thankful
Volvo I could never be angry at you.
I don’t think about you enough.
When I’m on a hill I let gravity pull your door closed
Volvo does that make me lazy or practical?
I used to recline in the peg lock rubber smell comfort of your doors, Volvo, but
my feet are on the dashboard today.
Volvo one gallon two percent milk two thousand and six there was a smell.
Volvo it wasn’t your fault but you took the blame.
When we found the milk it was green and you smelled of negligence.
The groceries didn’t all make it out of the trunk that day two thousand and six.
Why aren’t we allowed to wave flashlights in the the car at night?
Why must Nick reach so far from the backseat for a bag of beef jerky?
Volvo I now know why you smell like beef jerky.
I am either a rushing or a stalling passenger. Depending on the day.
Pull me out of this.
Early late pounding chewing fingers on the door
Volvo I don’t relish in your path.
The place to put my grapefruit juice glass is too small, Volvo,
I think about it Mondays Wednesdays and every other Friday.
A white and a mud stained thought-lacking mind. Yours, or mine?
Volvo I am embarrassed when my banging music comes on your speakers and I am not alone
I’m trying to be calmer and these songs don’t support that.
Volvo support me do more than lift me one foot two inches off the ground
Volvo I have crouched on your floor when too many bodies sat inside you and there was a policeman passing
Volvo I have stuck my entire head outside and nightmared about the window closing on my neck
Your doors are heavy, I can’t lift them.
Are you trying to strengthen my arms or poke at my nerves?
Volvo I could never be angry at you.
I have to see you every day.
Volvo were you upset when my Clipper Card came in the mail?
I seek independence, is what it is, don’t you,
Don’t you.
Volvo I’m on a hunt for grapefruit juice glasses that fit you.

The author's comments:

This is a creative imitation of Allen Ginsberg's "America."

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