The Rhythm of the Wild | Teen Ink

The Rhythm of the Wild

April 13, 2015
By Cassandra.K. GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Cassandra.K. GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

       Mosaic masterpieces flutter
       with each flap
       further into flight.

       Titanic trunks sway
       with each stomp
       back and forth

       Rattling racks hit
       with loaded anger
       victor rises above.

       Tender tails thump
       with exuberant force
       water mists sky.

       Hefty hands pound 
       with impregnable smacks
       power is projected.

       Fascinated feet padder
       against tile floor
       another animal spotted.

               Curious children listen
               while the Museum...
                           plays the rhythm of the wild.

The author's comments:

The poem is about music in the museum 

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