Of Olympians and Lovers | Teen Ink

Of Olympians and Lovers

April 20, 2015
By KatherineMcGovern GOLD, Stuart, Florida
KatherineMcGovern GOLD, Stuart, Florida
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I feel most deeply that the whole subject is too profound for the human intellect. A dog might as well speculate on the mind of Newton. Let each man hope and believe what he can."- Charles Darwin

Run fast, don’t stop, don’t think
Three years of training, of waiting, of bleeding
Pulse rises, heartbeat quickens
Feel the concrete push your body forward
Forces so strong threatening to shatter your fame
World around you blurs
Sounds turn into threatening murmurs
No one’s on your side not even your team
Racing to nowhere with no one at the finish

Too fast to stop now, keep going
Lights flash, cries ring, sweat drips down
Down, Down into your bloodstream into your mind
Salt burns your lungs, but your nerves rise
You're doing good
They cry your name
Your skin raises, curdles, shivers
The sun shines on you
The longer you run, the more it beats down
Watch as it discolors your once porcelain skin
Temporary warmth permanently changing the whiteness

Are you sure you want this?
Too bad, you cant stop now
Don't think just go on
The white is already gone
You tear through the finish line
Rope cuts you, suffocates
Scarring your lungs eternally
Walk home head down tears stain your cheeks
You ran fast, you trained hard, you came in first
But didn't you know you couldn't win this kind of race?
You never had a chance
You lost it

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