Stars | Teen Ink


May 7, 2015
By ShelbyC BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
ShelbyC BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

whe I was a little girl

you told me

that all the stars up above

were babies unborn.

and that everytime

there was a shooting star

it was a baby finding its way home.


you told me that

you some me come down

and that you

wished for me love

and you wished for me happiness.

but daddy-

you wish didn't

come true.


because as you sit with your 

best friend Jack Daniels

and use me as your dart board,

Irealize what you did wrong.

and yes I know life gets rough

and sometimes it's hard to see,

i just wish that night you saw

you were wishing on an airplane

not me.

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