I Miss | Teen Ink

I Miss

May 7, 2015
By Madison Heaton BRONZE, Sioux Ciy, Iowa
Madison Heaton BRONZE, Sioux Ciy, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I miss our small tan house.
All the memories we shared.
No amount of money could compare.

I miss having two parents.
I miss being close,
Not having to choose whom I love most.

I miss all the laughter.
I miss us all being together,
For the good times and bad.

I miss not having scheduled times
I miss not having to pack
For whosever house I’ll be at

I miss these times,
And I’ll cherish them forever.
I’ll always remember that small tan house

The author's comments:

This piece I wrote when I when my friends where talking about moving and their past houses at lunch. It made me think of even though I live in a lot nicer house. I still think the small, tan house I used to live in will always be my favorite. I love that house because of all the good times I had with my brothers and parents when we were all still together as one happy family. 

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