The Base Race | Teen Ink

The Base Race

May 12, 2015
By PiperMcFliggins BRONZE, Emporia, Virginia
PiperMcFliggins BRONZE, Emporia, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Waiting at first,

To get a jump.

On this piece of dirt,

Stealing is completely legal.

One step, two steps,

Three steps, four.

Getting my lead so that,

On a hit I can score.

My test is simple,

Second base is my prize.

I must read him,

And read him good.

The jump is everything,

A poorly timed jump,

And you're a sitting duck.

He starts to deliver,

Being a lefty,

He has the advantage.

I have to take off first move,

Otherwise I'm done for.

Knee twitches and I'm off.

Running as hard as I can,

I hear the pop of the mitt.

Knowing I only have precious milliseconds.

I'm closing the gap,

To the base.

Sliding in quick and hard,

That's how i won the base race.

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