The Dark | Teen Ink

The Dark

May 25, 2015
By SalmaPena BRONZE, Indio, California
SalmaPena BRONZE, Indio, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Her sad, sad eyes are filled with despair,

She covers her face,

Hides her fears with her hair,

Nobody knows what she's had to go through,

But the Sun and the stars and the Moon see her too,

As she sits all alone with her back to the door,

As she starts up a storm and the storm starts a war,

She's scared of the dark, for the dark is too cold,

But she's scared of the light, for the light she can't hold,

Her eyes shimmer bright for the light tells her lies,

So she cries, for she's smart,

She knows the dark's in her heart.

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