~Love~ | Teen Ink


May 27, 2015
By Emma R BRONZE, Lancaster, New York
Emma R BRONZE, Lancaster, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A space in the heart
Where a seat’s reserved
For the very thing that warms our souls
It makes us laugh
And makes us smile
Though cry when it has gone the mile
It brings us warmth for all to feel
And lasts throughout the whole, long year
This seat was reserved for you today
To make us smile whenever we’re grey
To make us laugh that joyful sound
Whenever the sun comes ‘round
Though the seat is empty
Deserted I fear
For you’ve gone a mile from here
Gone for miles
And no one here
To warm my soul
With love and care
No joyous laugh or sounds so bright
The day my soul is hopeless

And darkened by fright

The author's comments:

My dog died not to long ago, which made me really upset and lonely. I felt lonely by not having his love and joy light up my day as he did before. This piece explains the days that are sad and the moments when you can't seem to find love anywhere.  Those moments can be filled up again by love, though, from others giving out their hands which warms the soul once again.

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