Los Angeles | Teen Ink

Los Angeles

June 3, 2015
By Brooke Fryar BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
Brooke Fryar BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Living in L.A. is a stress

Parties all night just forget about the rest

Your apartment would look like a mess

Taking a nap that's the best

Icecream on Sunset Boulevard

Strawberry, cookies and cream, it's the choice

The choice that impacts everything


You'll lose your voice yelling for a taxi

Yellow and black honking like a bee

Click,clack is what I hear

Splat id for the sunscreen because, the sun will melt you like Olaf

But, that's Los Angeles the party city

No, it's not Malibu or Sacremento

It's not Palm Springs or Pasadena

It's Los Angeles and there's no place i'd rather be.

The author's comments:

I've previosly been to Los Angeles and I love the city. My name is Brooke and I live in North Carolina. I was inspired to enter this poem because I love to write.

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