Back to Black | Teen Ink

Back to Black

June 13, 2015
By Makichan SILVER, São Paulo, Other
Makichan SILVER, São Paulo, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hidden in the shady hues of grey,

Of the badly lit room...


Frozen in time,

Stiff like stone,

Only a little child's to own

Tiny china tea sets,

Shabby teddy bears,

Little soldier men,


Thier glassy marble eyes keep the memory of then.


Once apon a time...

There lived a boy,

Scared of monsters under his bed.


In the dark night lit only by a night light,

A tiny tot slept with his ted.


"Shhhh, he musn't be disturbed.

No time for games." (sad the toy)

In the course of years,

Stuck in the dark haze of youth.

First love,

First loss,

The aftertaste of tears.

A bittersweet taste,

Of a love so absurd.


Time after time,

Under the bed lay the toy.


The voices in the young man's head,

Were the ones he sought,

The paths he led.


Tick tock,

Tick tock.

Time is running out.

Certainty turns to doubt.


His teddy lays forgotten...


The clock is ticking,

Inhale, Exhale,

Heavy breathing, labored breathing.

The sand is running short.

Grain by grain piling on the bottom of the glass.


The end is coming,

He is still wainting,

For his escort.


Pitch Black.

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