Dreamers | Teen Ink


July 7, 2015
By Lolo_Musician13 GOLD, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Lolo_Musician13 GOLD, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Color outside the lines."

They open thier eyes,

But they still see

Exactly what they saw

A few moments before

The sun rose above the horizon

And the alarm blared in their ears

Shooting them awake

From their perfect paradise.


They still see it all.

Every piece of the image

Sets in their minds as they realize,

You can't dream of a perfect world

When the world that surrounds you

Is already perfect,

In the eyes

Of the Dreamers.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem while thinking about how when someone has a dream, they usually dream about what they want their world to be like or how their dream life would be differewnt from the life they have, but I feel like if everyone just stopped and looked around for a moment, they'd realize how wonderful life really is, even if it isn't exactly how you would dream it to be.

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