Indecisive | Teen Ink


July 6, 2015
By breezibi SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
breezibi SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am never satisfied
With my life
My activities
My friends
My appearance
I always think it could be better
Worried that I’m missing out.

For years I grew my hair
Elbow length was the goal
And it was lush
And it was pretty
And I got bored
So I cut it all off.

I love my short hair
But when I look in the mirror
I don’t see me
I see a more confident girl
And I envy her
But I can’t accept her as me
It’s like I’ve disappeared.

And I can’t help but to think
All those girls for whom it wasn’t a choice
Those girls who look in the mirror and cry
Because they don’t look back.

The author's comments:

I chopped all my hair off and I couldn't recognize myself in the mirror so I wrote this

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