I Am Addicted to You | Teen Ink

I Am Addicted to You

July 6, 2015
By breezibi SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
breezibi SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Talking to you
Feels like I’m screaming
Screaming into a playground phone
Hoping to hear a response
But there’s no one there
And just as I turn away
Give up
Accept the futility
You whisper into the phone
And I come running back
And whisper a response
And as you dwindle away again
I scream again
Tears running down my face
I want to cut down the phone
Run away
But then you call me back.

You are like a drug to me
A highly illegal drug
Like meth
Highly addictive
Destroying me slowly
Yet I keep coming back for more
Saying I’ll keep at a distance this time
Just a hit to keep the edge off
Then I find myself exactly where I was before
Screaming into the playground phone
Screaming for my meth.

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