Of Death and Semi-Circle Loving | Teen Ink

Of Death and Semi-Circle Loving

August 5, 2015
By supertramp997 SILVER, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
supertramp997 SILVER, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You felt her love lurking - black laconic larks,
circling ahead along silk cirrus wisps.
Your quiet scream for her touch reverberated slowly,
tremulously through your languid loveless veins
like shattering glass. Bursting and splintering
until resplendent sand settled like white ember,
and painful echoes coursed unabated,
shifting soft timbre to endless dissonance.
Your forceful glances bounced off those sunken

cave walls in lurid longing. Nights only
brightened by her singed eye bulbs.
The tie, gnarled and rotten, like sparrows in the mist,
and scrawlings grew in scars you traced at night.
Clasped in these frosted fingertips
her unthawed absent palpitations like a marooned magpie
nestled in coats of ice and coats of ivory. Heartfelt lust
sprawled in these cracking, crimson hands so hard and cold.
Etherized and eternal. Intertwined at last
in the skeletal warmth of your palms,
and the hollowed ripple of wings.

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