The Next Step | Teen Ink

The Next Step

August 26, 2015
By Anthony Gozzo SILVER, Windsor, Connecticut
Anthony Gozzo SILVER, Windsor, Connecticut
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We’ve stretched ourselves thin,
Like rubber bands before they snap;
We’re on the verge of college
And we’ve realized how little we know

Our futures are still so bleak, yet so full
Of life that will be and never become.
When was the young boy told
That he couldn’t keep reaching, keep dreaming?

We have been called the future of us all-
Yet the future they will stall,
Till their time has long passed our memory-
Till we’ve paid and paid, and paid some more

Do the years corrupt, or is it time?
We’ve been washed of our innocence
By computer and the news; we’ve seen it all
And it is our mistake

Employment rates can’t say
What a child has learned of the world,
Or how a young mind has evolved
To inspire hope in us all

Perhaps there will be a day,
Where every child is educated the “right” way;
But for now we must simply explore-
Our experiences are worth far more

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