Where i'm From | Teen Ink

Where i'm From

September 16, 2015
By brewfan245 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
brewfan245 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from wired on Kemp time
Goofy sayings from grandpa , “Eat your dirt”
We may have our differences, but in the end we all love each other

I am from two similar households father/mother
A homey home residing in merton with a sprall of greenery as far as the eye can see
with room to play sports with my brothers.
A relaxing house in Hartland full of hundreds of elegant flowers
leading off to a bonfire pit at the edge of the property.

I am from playing with younger brother Michael trying to hide the marker scribbles on the wall before dad comes home...
I am from wasting days playing outside, running around, and with friends inside and out
Family is most important to me and I spend the most time with them.

I am always up for a challenge, and to always do the right thing.
From goofy nicknames such as  KYKY, KIYOU, and COIN
From fishing with Grandpa at the cabin, swimming at 6 mile, hiking in the backcountry
simply enjoying the outdoors.

I am from endless hours of sleeping, spending time with family and friends,
and boating on okauchee.
I dreading waking up for school,
as well as extremely hot or cold days

I am gifted with curly hair.
Lush brown hair/ Big brown eyes
I’m from a loving, wholesome family with strong family values and endless love

I am from big moments playing baseball at helfaer field (mini brewers stadium)
Difficult time with grandparents passing
Even more difficult time with parents divorce

I am from ending of my middle school days, 8th grade graduation
Kickin butt playing arrowhead football,
Grateful to be in same grade as brother michael.

I am from wired on kemp time
Goofy sayings from grandpa , “Eat your dirt”
We may have our differences but in the end we all love each other

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