Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2015
By FishRisch GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
FishRisch GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the world existing beneath the surface.
Surrounded by white capped water touching the sky.
I am from the burning metal of an aluminum boat
and the pain searing my feet.
I am from the smiles of my friends as I share what I love.

I am from the first string Quarterback’s twisted ankle
and far left field goals.
I am from gunslingers, rocket balls,
and the occasional touch.
I am from contributing, even off the field.
from Leaders Eat Last.

I am from Nels and Chappie
from 6am fishing and Nels over-sleeping.
I am from water heaters and pressure tanks
from recycling metal and driving rusty.
I am from digging trenches and replacing pipe.
I am from Chappie #66 and Nels #73.

I am from one more best friend
much prettier than the other two.
I am from her 100.7, Milwaukee Hip Hop and R&B.
She is from my 106.1 Milwaukee’s Best Country.
I am from the two years we spent
from her fake spider pranks and “K Bye”

I am from color coordinated binders
and my mom’s lectures.
I am from Mom reminding me to study for exams
and me taking it...almost always.
I am from my Dad’s independence
and doing more for others than himself.

I am from a world beneath the surface.
I am from contributing even off the field.
I am from water heaters and pressure tanks.
I am from the two years we have spent together.
I am from my Mom and Dad.

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